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Friday, January 31, 2020

3 Best Penetration and Hacking tools for Kali LINUX

Its kind of surprising how many people are interested in Learning how to hack. Anyway, donating so much appreciation to our open source committee, we can list out the best hacking tools which suits everyone of your needs. But remember to keep everything ethical.!
1. Aircrack-ng 
  Aircrack-ng is one of the world's best wireless hacking tool for WEP/WAP/WAP2 cracking. It works through the possession of packets of the network, analyses it via passwords recovered. It also possesses a console interface. In addition, aircrack-ng also makes use of FMS (Fhlurer, Mantin, Shamir) attack with a few optimisations such as the KoreK attack which quickens the attack and makes it faster than WEP.

2. John the Ripper
   John the Ripper is quite another popular hacking (penetration testing) community. It was developed initially by UNIX systems but has gradually grown to be available on over 10 OS distros. It features a customisable cracker, automatic password hash detection, brute force attack and dictionary attack (among the cracking modes).

3. Metaspoilt Framework
   Metasploit Framework is an open source framework. Security experts and teams use this to verify vulnerabilities as well as run security assessments in order to better security awareness. There is an excessive number of tools which can be used to create security environments for vulnerability testing and works also as a penetration testing system.

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