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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

5 Best Free Hacking Books 2020 for both Beginners and Advanced Level

  In today's article, we will be talking about free hacking books, hence, facilitating the comprehension of hacking tutorials. And if you are beginner, then you mist have to follow the books below. All these books will help you to learn all the basic concepts of hacking and the unique idea of hacking.
  Hacking can either be Ethical or Unethical, as it both has advantages and disadvantages.
  Unethical hackers are also known as Black Hat hackers who generally exploit vulnerabilities or weaknesses of systems for personal gain.
  Ethical hackers on the other hand, help different organisations and businesses by finding weaknesses in their systems before the wicked hacker does.
  Hence, we have provided you with the 10 best network hacking books, which will help you learn the whole hacking of resources.
There's a saying that "a book is the best gift that you can have" , so, go through these 10 best free hacking books 2020, which will help you learn all necessary and main concepts of hacking.

5 Best Free Hacking Books 2020
1. Hash Crack: Password hacking   manual

Generally, this book tells you about password breaking. This is an ideal requirement for those who want to know how to break or crack password

2. Web hacking-101
Next, we have another excellent book, which was written by HackerOne Co-Founders Michiel Prins and Jobert Abma.
Therefore, Web Hacking-101 is regarding the ethical investigation of software for different security problems, but we can say that learning to hack isn’t perpetually carefree.

3. Black Hat Python
Black hat python is the hacker’s first choice when it comes to hacking, as every hacker usually turns to conventional hacking tools such as Burp Suite to find their different vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
Moreover, this book tells the readers that how they can create a trojan command and control utilising GitHub, how to recognize sandboxing, and automate simple malware tasks, like keylogging and screenshotting and also to increase Windows opportunities with creative process control.

4. Advanced Penetration Testing
Next on our list, we have Advanced Penetration testing, which is one of the most efficient and refined in the hacking book world.
This book pours more light on Kali Linux and Meta-sploit, and it permits you with high-level pen testing for high security networks. This book has a perfect combination of social engineering, programming, and vulnerability enlightenments into a multidisciplinary strategy for targeting and endangering high security situation

5. Ghost In The Wires
And last but not the least on our list, we have this book, which makes you a better hacker, but it also works as a source of inspiration to those who strive to get into this profession.
Kevin Mitnick wrote this book and he is one of the most equivocal hackers/social strokers in today’s history.
Basically and generally, this book is going to catch your attention and overall it is an excellent book to read.

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