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Monday, December 16, 2019

Hack Wi-Fi network using command line interface

It’s kind of really frustrating when you see a Wi-Fi network around you but you can’t access it due to security issues such as passwords or pins.
On this post, we will be teaching how to use command line which is part of every computer system running on windows operating system to hack any desired Wi-Fi network.

What is Command Line? ...
Command line is a computer interface that deals with the input of commands into the computer by the user, which is being executed by the computer system and produces your results based on you command. The commands are kind of really numerous and stressful to keep.
But I’ll be giving you just the commands to get secrete information about a network such as network bandwidth, speed, password or pin, etc.

Hacking Wi-Fi network with Command Line.
To hack a network using command line, please follow the steps below and don’t forget to type the enter key after each code;-


Simply launch Command prompt as an administrator so that it can get full access to computer networks

With command prompt ran as an administrator, instead of the user’s name displaying, it’s the system’s name... For example; <system32> instead of <Sammy>


After running Command prompt as an administrator, type in the following code;
netsh wlan show network mode=bssid


After typing the code above, Wi-Fi networks that are available in your range will be displayed


With the networks being displayed, choose any network of your choice. For example, a network with the name “Brandy-01”… and you type the following code…
netsh wlan show profile [name of network] key=clear” following our example, it will be;
netsh wlan show profile Brandy-01 key=clear
After typing this code, everything about the network will be displayed including its password in the security content column.

Lastly, just simply take the security key or password and fill it in and there you go… the network is all yours. Hope you enjoy…

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