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Friday, August 9, 2019

The TRUTH exposed

The TRUTH or Dare...
Image result for the truth exposed pics
It is truly evident today that the world is run by satanists. It is quite evident nowadays seeing mostly occultists and devil worshipers occupying high power positions. They are very dedicated worshiping the satan and trying to bring about his full worship on earth. In ancient centuries, most of these gestures were hidden from public eye but nowadays, they are outragously bold at presenting theselves to the public. The new method of recognition is through symbols which is nowadays accepted and replicated by the public. examples can be seen below...

Image result for accumulated pics of demonic symbols 

All these symbols are replicated due to ignorance and lack of TRUTH. an other incident can be seen when a so called Delealli challenge,
Image result for combined pics of delealli challenge
which was created by the Tutenham Hotspur midfielder . But due to lack of TRUTH, they indirectly telling people to represent the 666 symbol combined with the Eye of Horus. This was just one out of many. 
The more these symbols are accepted and replicated by the public, the more we get close to what is stated by satanists as the, The New World Order. The TRUTH and main goal about the New World Order is for satan to be worshiped worldwide as god.
From analysis and view of the society atlarge, it is seen that satan's principles and values are accepted though the majority does not recognise it as such. The more the symbols are replicated, the closer we get to satan's goal. These symbols were atfirst used by celebrities and satanists who sold out to the satanic agenda to show their devotedness but now, the masses are doing these signs without even knowing what it means. The TRUTH about it is that they are representing satan. They just tie it in with the illuminati and they think is kind of cool because all their celebrities are into it. This is a good reason why these symbols were not so popular as now... Isn't it quite obvious how wicked the worlsd has become today. The simple TRUTH is that these signs and symbols are of the devil (satan) and anything that concerns him is evil and an allergey to every child of GOD most high (YAHWEH). The TRUTH is that Satan who is a thief has come to Steal, Kill and Destroy (John 10:10). GOD is the creator, who gives and take, there is none like him. If he has given to you, use it wisely and for his glory. If he has taken from you, there is a reason or cause behind it.

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