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Monday, February 3, 2020

5 Time saving legitimate computer tricks

The internet is filled with plenty life hacks, tips and tricks which make the world easy and comforting. But unfortunately, most of these tips are not worth saving time or being useful or come come up only under specific circumstances.
We have decided to transcend all that and find the computer hacks that are useful or nevertheless interesting.
To create this list, we went through Quora, a thread on useful computer hacks from which we had a list and selected the best 6 just for you;

  1. Turn Chrome into PDF Reader:
     Opening or reading a PDF file using or within chrome is kind of a strange experience especially on laptops.
To make this possible, simply drag the PDF file to chrome and you can read it there.

2. Have a YouTube video repeat over
     and over again:
    Want to listen to the same song or watch the same video over and over, you can mame that happen by replacing "youtube" in any YouTube  link with "listenonrepeat". For example;
https://youtu.be/jDq269e6w_c this will now become

3. Some 5 important PC cheats:
   Working for hours using the keyboard, these hacks will save you time;

  • Alt-Tab: Switch between windows
  • Ctrl-Tab: Switch between a browser and excel tab
  • Alt-F4: Close a window
  • Ctrl-Z: Undo
  • Ctrl-F4: Close a tab.
4. Clear your cache easily:
    To view a webpage with cleared cache, simply click on Ctrl+Shift+R at thesame time, and then refresh the page.

5. Do a quick image root search:
    To see where an online image came from within chrome, simply hold S and right click on the image. A drop down menu will appear and select search google for image.

You can also check out:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the help.
    From Http://www.camstuffs.blogspot.com
