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Thursday, July 25, 2019

How to make butter in 10mins(with video)

Butter is a pretty delicious dairy product made from milk and contains high fat content. But butter contains a low percentage of lactose compared to other dairy products. Butter however is created by shaking or churning cream till it seperates into liquid and solid parts called buttermilk and butterfat respectively. The butterfat is what becomes butter.
Always dapending on a shop or supermarket is quite costly and stressful to some people which is why i bring to you today a method on how to make butter at home.

- 1 pint of heavy Cream
- 1/2 tea spoon salt
- Bowl
- Stand mixer or Electric whisk
- Towel

* Firsly we begin by combining the cream and salt in a bowl and using a stand mixer or electric whisk, mix till uniform mixture is obtained.
* When the cream has broken into its respective constituents that is buttermilk and butterfat, pour off  the butter milk and store in a refrigerator.
* The squeeze off all the buttermilk left properly because any excess buttermilk left can cause the butter to sour
* Rinse butterfat using clean water to ensure that all buttermilk is gone.
* Put butter in a storage container and store in a fridge, in a room or in a freezer.

There you are good to go. your butter is ready to be served and eaten.

NB; Your homemade butter is good for 5 days at room temperature, 7 days in a refrigerator and 3 mlonths in a freezer.

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