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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Burn belly fat using ginger(Video included)

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a popular spice used to spice up dishes and also used to treat some minor health conditions such as nausea, cold and athritis. but studies carried out has also proven that it can help for weight loss.
To prepare ginger tea, the procedure is available below and the video above...

  •  Water
  • Sauce pan
  • Peeled and sliced ginger (for easier penetration during boiling)
  • Honey
  • Lemon
  • Heat source
  • Sieve
  • Cup
  • spoon
  1.  Take a sauce pan, add a glass of water
  2. Add 10-12 slices of peeled ginger
  3. Using heat source, allow to boil
  4. put out heat source and allow ginger to absorbed into water
  5. Using a sieve, extract the ginger drink and conserve in a cup
  6. Add a tbsp of honey and stir well using spoon
  7. Add a tbsp oflemon 100% lemon juice and stir properly
And your ginger tea is ready and served... hope you enjoy and dont forget to subcribe to get my latests...

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